Thursday, January 3, 2013

Taking down the trim(mings)...and New Year's Resolutions

The Christmas trimmings were hung with care, ready for family soon to be near! Ok, so Christmas and New Year's have already passed and were definitely a success. It seems that every year the holidays creep up faster and faster and then breeze by in a blink of an eye.  This year my brother and his family came into town from ND and we gathered here at my house for a Christmas feast with my nephews, small and big.  Here's a quick recap in pictures of our family time over the week.  It was so fun!  

Now it's back to work and taking down the trimmings from the holidays...and taking down trim from our old house.  Remember our house project, this old house?  The one that's sort of been put on hold for the holidays?  Well, our New Year's resolution is to finish the house project within our budget and as soon as possible!! The blue siding is off and the house is stripped down to its original wood siding from 1911 (I know it looks a little rustic).  Now we're taking down trim on the inside, starting demolition and trimming back our budget to ramp up the project.  Watch out 2013, here we come! This old house is getting a major face lift.  :)  


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