Sunday, March 18, 2012

Car antics

My husband and I were running late to work on Friday afternoon.  He's gracious enough to mentor a student this semester (something I hope to do when I know what the heck I'm doing first) and thus we were extra hurried to get there early so he could prepare for the student as well.  We pulled into the parking ramp at work and found a spot pretty quickly (sweet we're not on the 6th floor!).  The hubs went to turn the car off and the key wouldn't turn.  Huh...that's strange.  Jiggle the key around, nothing.  Take it out of park into a different gear a few times, still nothing.  Uh oh.  Slight look of panic comes over the hubby's face.  We spend about 10 mins trying to get the car to turn off and get nowhere. "You go inside and get ready for your student, I'll keep trying to figure this out", I say. "What's our back-up plan if I can't turn it off though??"  Luckily (or unluckily), the key came out of the ignition, but with the car still running.  So we could lock the car and leave it running without any keys in it. We quickly decide that if it won't turn off I would park the car on the roof of the parking ramp, take the key out and lock the door.  Then go to work. And that's just what I did.  For 9 hours.

As I walked away from the car, I thought "there's no way it'll still be here when we get done with work!". Surely someone's going to report a suspicious car running with no keys in it on the top of the parking ramp. Luckily my shift was chaotic and it was easy not to worry about it! About half way through my shift, the hubby called me to see if the car was still running or if it had turned off.  Ha. Ha. Guess we'll find out, I said.  At midnight, we headed up to the 7th floor of the parking ramp and sure as heck the car was still there and running. A bit hot, but running.  We drove it home, picked up the second car and some tools, then drove it to the mechanic shop where we disabled some fuses to finally turn the stinkin thing off. Left a note for the shop and hope they find it on Monday.  Oiy.  Cars....ha!

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